Do you like train travel? Have you considered anyone among those travels to be special, memorable, and unforgettable? I would like to share mine and why it’s special.
This was somewhere around 2010. I was pursuing my under-graduation in a town called Salem, in south India. I used to travel to a city called Chennai in south India to visit my parents for vacation. The most preferred mode of travel from 2009 to 2013 was the train.
That’s when I met this person named Satish Dilipan Lucas. He wasn’t so impressive at the first sight. He was very lean and skinny. I could relate him to the character shaggy from the Scooby-Doo cartoon. Ha ha ha! Funny right?

But that’s not what I looked for. I was so curious to see that something special which I sensed, that he had beyond his looks, the external appearance. Later, I found that was his nature of extensive care for others.
It was a 10 to 15 mins conversation that we had on that day. I never knew that he will become my best friend, my well-wisher with 12 years of friendship. This man expects nothing and gives love and care to me and my entire family, just because he decided to do so 12 years back.
I’m pretty surprised and equally happy to see unconditional love still existing in this world. I’m also grateful to god for gifting me such a valuable friend for a lifetime. The reason I’m writing this now is after a point we had to depart our ways focusing on our personal life, yet stayed connected. I’m going to meet him after 5 long years, and I’m so excited!.
You will never know what nature has planned, who will stay or leave, or what value they will add to your life. I would suggest to welcome people with a positive mindset with no judgment. You may also be blessed with an amazing friendship, just like me.

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart!