I was 36 weeks pregnant, and it was July 9th, 2021. At 8am, I felt something unusual happening in my tummy. I’m not much of a ‘morning person’ so didn’t want to wake up early, and my pregnancy was an absolute excuse to curdle more and get some extra bedtime. Right at that exact moment, my contractions started increasing, and it’s time for a little talk to collude. I said “hey little one, now please stay calm. Mama needs to sleep”. Will he stop? No way. “Fine, you won,” replying to him with a sigh. I started my day.
Slowly went to the doctor at 2pm and explained to him about my day. My doctor said, “Poor thing, were you with this pain the whole day, lady! You’re in labor.” “Am I in labor? My water never broke. I haven’t come across anything that I’ve seen in the movies. Are you serious? Am I in labor?” I questioned him with so many doubts. “Ah, now rush to the ward,” replied the doc.
When my hubby and I reached the other building where the labor ward was, he did his part. The security guard and the front office staff at the entrance seemed tensed and rushing to receive someone. I was so curious to know who was that lucky woman is about to receive a grand welcome. Later, I realized it was me because my husband told them I was in active labor. “Baby, I have told them you are in active labor to avoid the traffic at the entrance, so please bring some pain to your face”, he said. Bring some pain! Even before I spoke another word, the nurse approached me with a wheelchair, leaving me with no option other than bringing some pain to my face. She whizzed me to the 5th floor in less than 5 minutes.
The doctor came, diagnosed me, and said I was getting ready for labor. My dilution increased, so did the contractions and the pain. The nurse checked my vitals. She asked me if I needed something. Guess what I would have asked for. A double quarter pounder from McD. I forgot to have my lunch. No, often it’s brunch. She told me I cannot have anything solid until I deliver my baby. I just took this protein milk and a half gallon of water. It was 3pm when the nurse gave me morphine. Oh, it was a wonderful time, not knowing what happened for the next 2 hours. But my husband captured a video of me talking to the heavenly bodies in our galaxy with that morphine.
Omg, it pains like hell!!, I cannot do this!!, I didn’t get a chance of saying those dialogues at all. By 5pm they gave me ‘epidural’ and it helped me a lot. I slept like a baby. It was 7pm; the doctor came for a second diagnosis and said, “everything is fine, you will deliver by 9pm.” It was a remarkable relief, as I can finally eat the quarter pounder.
The next two hours I spent making a video call to my parents and in-laws. The doctor came, and they set up my room. Then the most important part happened. I pushed.
I’m always grateful to my husband for making this a wonderful memory, standing by my side, cracking jokes, and making me laugh during labor. He motivated, saying, “Come on baby, come on baby, you can do it, Push, Push”.
Instead of ‘he he ho ho’, I was ha ha ha.

Then came this little guy who gave another definition of love, his cute little hands, his divine smile made me feel I had my destiny. Being parents is something new, which gave us the emotion of happiness with nervousness.
But with the same trust, love, and confidence, here we are successfully traveling in the third month of proud parenting. I never knew I would be a mom, who will understand what the baby needs, with his cry. But, I am now. Motherhood is an awesome feel.

That one day, everything changed!
Nice and lovely mam
Thank you!
Happiest & remarkable moments in LIFE.
Enjoy it ….
Sure, thank you!